True Love Waits

For those who know me, you know that my favorite band is Radiohead. Why? Well, it was one of the first bands I truly listened to back when I was three years old (the other band being The Cure). Their talent got me through life's rough patches as a youth. Really listening to their music and seeing how talented the band was made me appreciate them. 

My favorite song is "True Love Waits." There are few sentimental songs that Thom and the guys have. The first time I ever heard this song, it resonated within me. It speaks of the sacrifices one is willing to make for that one person. How, when all seems to be over, you still sacrifice more to keep it together. 

Over the years, bad experiences have made me doubt that idea, the idea of love and even the existence of a person that will sacrifice as much as you do. Today, while writing more of my story, maps of her design, "True Love Waits" started playing. I hadn't listened to it or to Radiohead for that matter in quite some time. 

I realized that I haven't really changed. I sadly am a romantic in a world full of selfish people. My best guy friend, E, and I were just discussing that earlier today. It seems odd, most girls seem to act more chivalrous while guys are starting to act like chicks. What's up with that?

I guess it's the times we live in...and what crappy times they are. Still, I remain a romantic girl that won't make the first move haha. And this is still my favorite song. I've only have given douches a chance, I guess I hope they improve, but that never happens. So, as Thom sings, "true love waits."


  1. Dude !! true love waits!! Is amazing!, “Just don’t leave” “I’ll drown my beliefs to have your babies” a bit extreme but I think it just goes to show the intensity we care for people at a point in time. But time makes everything better …. And a new beginning starts that’s the beauty of life, the beauty of love! And you move on to something better!! I just had to say that cuz I love ya♥


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